Fluid-Structure Interactions. Michael P. Paidoussis

Fluid-Structure Interactions

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Fluid-Structure Interactions Michael P. Paidoussis. djvu ebook Publisher: Academic Press Language: English Page: 1034 ISBN: 0125443617, 9780125443616


"With the second volume of Fluid-Structure Interaction, Michael Paidoussis has completed a comprehensive and unique two-volume book on fluid-structure interaction in axial flows. Throughout the book the author provides detailed, well-illustrated applications of the subjects treated, some of which are in traditional areas of engineering and some in the rapidly developing new field of bioengineering. The emphasis is on physical understanding of the problems, and as a result the treatment is biased towards analytical and semi-analytical methods, but comparison with experiments is extensive and systematically provided, using well-thought-out figures, graphs and photographs. Great care is taken to explain several fine points and resolve apparent paradoxes that have been at the centre of controversy over the years. Theoretical results are always presented side-by-side with detailed and careful comparisons with experiments; this gives great strength to the arguments and derivations. The author possesses an unmatched expertise in the area, and his knowledge of the literature, which spans several decades, and mastery of all developments is impressive. The exposition is very detailed, but at the same time clear, starting from basics and proceeding to the most complex phenomena; the various chapters are self-contained. This book will be a very valuable source for graduate courses on hydroelasticity, where by necessity only subsets of the book can be covered, while it will be an essential reference for workers in the field. The author states that the book has been written for engineers and applied mathematicians; its uniform and systematic treatment of a vast field does indeed provide invaluable service both to engineers and theoreticians. In conclusion this is the definitive book on hydroelasticity in axial flow, an essential source for the researcher, but also a valuable textbook for the graduate student a very unusual and valuable book indeed. One must marvel at the amount of work and care that must have been devoted to writing such a book - it is a pleasure to read and a rich source of information. It is highly recommended to libraries and as course material." M.S. Triantafyllou, Cambridge University Press "With more than 1400 references, the subject matter has been covered comprehensively. More importantly, it has been critically reviewed and integrated in a way which will make this book an indispensable tool for any researcher in this field for decades to come. The book should be no less valuable to engineering practitioners faced with related problems and anyone working in the broad areas of flow-induced vibrations and the stability of non-conservative elastic systems." JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 2006, D.S. Weaver, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

Book Description

The Leading author in this field, provides an authoritative and cohesive text with far-reaching applications

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